Amy Elizabeth Martin

April 13, 1991 - September 14, 2006

studio photo 1994 (age 3)
studio photo 1996 (age 5)
studio photo 1997 (age 6)
home with Dad, April 1998 (almost 7)
Christmas 1998 (age 7)
First Communion, May 1 1999 (age 8)
clowning around with sisters, June 1999 (age 8)
April 2000 (age 9)
with Dad, 2001 (age 9)
saying goodbye to cousin Katie as the family leaves for England, July 2001 (age 10)     original [1024 x 768]
school in England, December 2001 (age 10)
December 2002 (age 11)
with Suzy in the Alps near Innsbruck, August 2003 (age 12)
Spring 2004 (age 13)     original [600 x 800]
home from England, June 2004 (age 13)     original [1024 x 768]
cousin Samantha's baptism, March 2005 (age 13)     original [1600 x 1200]
Father/Daughter Dance, 2005 (age 14)     original [960 x 1280]
on the beach at Ocean City, September 10, 2006 (age 15)     original [1264 x 1656]

Amy was a member of the Teelin School of Irish Dance --- in fact, she had just made "company".
Please see the memorial page they made.